What We’ve Done 
Revamping the brand and expanding brand recognition across the media and lifestyle influencer marketing landscape
Since Tintin first appeared in 1929, the beloved boy detective has become one of the most iconic comic-strip heroes. Beyond the realm of merchandise goods, however, the Tintin brand evokes little interest. Thus, introducing this range of timepieces to women, men and children, and making the launch a success requires a big step off the beaten path to capture the attention of fashion and lifestyle influencers and journalists. So OneChocolate undertook the challenge to organise a unique and memorable event, ensuring it was planned in strict compliance with conditions surrounding the creator Hergé’s works.
After a creative brainstorming, we came up with the idea of a set design bringing to life various settings of the timepiece collection, ie the comic-book characters of Hergé and two of his major works: Tintin in the Lands of the Soviets, and Destination Moon. Organisation-wise: a ready-to-run event that lets the client focus on meeting and interacting with the journalists and bloggers.
In a showroom in the hip neighbourhood of Marais, the launch event’s success was on display: a turnout of around 60 journalists and bloggers, and one very satisfied customer. The event received print and online coverage by 50 publications from the targeted press list as well as watch publications. An enthusiasm on which OneChocolate continues to capitalise, via seasonal press releases on Father’s Day, when the children go back to school, or during Christmas season.